Due to a public holiday in Germany, our office will be closed from 01.11.2024 to 03.11.2024.

Your partner for

Intercom PAGA SOS


Solutions for traffic, railway and public transport

The system house Neumann Elektronik GmbH is a recognised know-how carrier that combines traditional strengths with innovative top performance. One of the company's special areas of expertise is the development of safety solutions for rail transport in various fields of application.


Communication made to measure

We offer customized complete solutions for your individual tasks.

All systems from Neumann Elektronik are designed according to the variable modular principle and are therefore expandable and a safe investment.

Road / Tunnel

More than 18,000 public emergency centres ensure the safety of millions of drivers on German federal and country roads. Thanks to the simple operation of the emergency call units, an emergency call is quickly possible for everyone, even in exceptional situations.

All major Swiss road tunnels are equipped with the latest safety technology from Neumann Elektronik. 204 alarm boxes with emergency telephones and monitored fire extinguishers ensure safety in the 17 km long Gotthard tunnel, for example.

A modern management system enables the direct receipt of the emergency call with location indication.


Security for airport operators and passengers is becoming more and more important, especially as air traffic and passenger numbers are growing steadily. In order to meet the increased need for security, we have developed innovative solutions that are trusted internationally.

In Cologne/Bonn, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, many thousands of people already count on our information and security technology every day. Whether with service pillars, information and emergency call systems or monitoring and public address systems: we also offer special know-how with a wide range of services for the sensitive areas of the airport.



In the floodgate area, trouble-free communication is a basic prerequisite for precise coordination. A central control system ensures smooth operation. Neumann Elektronik offers intercom systems, public address systems and interfaces to nautical information radio for communication in the port and lock area.

In the course of floodgate automation, several floodgates are remotely controlled from a central control station. The entire communication and video surveillance as well as the door and gate openings are brought together in one user interface.

Traffic control centres. Centrally monitored and controlled.

Traffic control centres offer passengers more information and safety: the entire station environment is monitored by extensive information and safety equipment. Passengers are informed promptly by the control centre as required, e.g. about timetable changes. At the touch of a button, contact can be made with the traffic control centre via emergency call/information pillars. In this way, necessary service and assistance measures can be initiated immediately.

The operation of the traffic stations is controlled via our innovative IP-based information management system. Efficient IT systems ensure optimal and economical use of resources and help to reduce operating costs. In addition to main stations, stops from the region can also be integrated into this system.


Train stations. More safety and service.

Especially at the small, often quite "lonely" stops, travellers today expect more safety and service. Whether emergency call facilities or video surveillance, whether departure and arrival times or change announcements - the modular system from Neumann Elektronik provides all the necessary information and more security for passengers.

Our well-proven station concept is completely modular and offers the "right" solution for every individual requirement: from public address systems to multifunctional stations. Security "live" is provided by a surveillance camera connected to the traffic control centre - so the required help is quickly on site.

Traveler Information Systems

Anyone who uses rail transport is often dependent on different connections and needs up-to-date and precise information. Our passenger information systems provide acoustic information about the (unscheduled) situation. Based on the timetable data and the signalling and control technology, the information is provided visually and acoustically "on time". The system is operated from a control centre, such as a traffic control centre or an announcement centre.

The innovative acoustic control system from Neumann Elektronik generates information and fault messages largely automatically. In this way, productivity and efficiency can be significantly increased and resources can be better utilised.


Operational telecommunication systems. Reliability and flexibility.

Reliable internal communication is a top priority in driving operations. Neumann Elektronik's operational telecommunication systems integrate all the necessary audio communication technology. 

Comprehensive coverage of communication on the line contributes to safe train traffic. For this reason, the systems are designed in accordance with the regulations of the respective transport companies and approval authorities and are compatible with existing terminal equipment, such as trackside telephone equipment. Via appropriate interfaces, migration to GSM-R and IP network technology is also possible at any time.

Information systems. In use worldwide.

Being able to inform oneself is a basic need of people - especially in unfamiliar surroundings. Information pillars such as our innovative modular information pillar are immediately recognisable from afar as a contact point for people looking for information.

Neumann Elektronik offers the individual information terminal for every indoor and outdoor requirement: either as a floor-standing or wall-mounted model, or as a modular information terminal. Whether pure i-points with logical user guidance, microphone, loudspeaker and wheelchair button, or combined information/emergency call pillars, whether with optional hands-free system or display for timetable display and/or solar operation - the configuration and equipment of the pillar(s) is based solely on the respective customer-specific requirements.


Emergency call systems. Innovative technology as a support in an emergency.

If an emergency occurs, it must be possible to call for help immediately and easily - whether on the platform, on the line or in the tunnel. The recognisable possibility alone ensures a calm and safe feeling. This is also helped by the fact that the function of the system is constantly monitored by the control centre.

Analog oder digital, drahtgebunden oder drahtlos, mit oder ohne Solarbetrieb, national oder international – die Einsatzorte und -möglichkeiten der modular aufgebauten Notrufsäulen von Neumann Elektronik kennen (nahezu) keine Grenzen. Sie erfüllen die Grundvoraussetzungen für den schnellen Einsatz im Notfall: Einfache, eindeutige, intuitive Bedienung, auch für Rollstuhlfahrer. Durch die direkte Anbindung an Bahnverkehrszentralen kann umgehend Hilfe herbeigerufen werden. Dabei erleichtert die Voll-Duplex-Freisprechmöglichkeit die Kommunikation.