Aufgrund eines Feiertages in Deutschland ist unser Büro vom 01.11.2024 bis 03.11.2024 geschlossen.

Ваш партнер для

Intercom PAGA SOS



Letter of Authorisation

We hereby authorize

ТОО «Communications Kazakhstan»
Khodzhanov Str. 58/5
050060 Almaty, Kazakhstan

as an agency for our products of communication and information systems and accessories. ТОО «Communications Kazakhstan» has our full confidence and will provide any needed support for our products and solutions in support of Project “Neumann Intercom Systems at KazPhosphate LLC”, Headoffice – 050060 Almaty, Jamal Omarova 8, Kazakhstan.

Yours faithfully,
Günter Ramlau  
Head of International Sales