Due to a public holiday in Germany, our office will be closed from 01.11.2024 to 03.11.2024.

Your partner for

Intercom PAGA SOS



Letter of Authorisation

We hereby authorize

Delfi systems and solution PVT Ltd.,
Regd. Office : 947, Sector – 18,
121002 Faridabad, INDIA

as an agency for our products of communication and information systems and accessories. They will provide any support for our products and solutions in related to Neumann PAGA Systems at Chennal Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (CPCL), India. We confirm hereby that the DS-6 Analogue Adapter unit (article number 33310) for Neumann Exchanges quoted by M/s. Delfi Systems & Solutions Pvt. Ltd against CPCL Tender Ref: C04D220019 shall continue to be supported by us and quoted system shall not be withdrawn from Indian market as a matter of corporate policy. This letter is valid until 31.12.2022.

Yours faithfully,
Günter Ramlau  
Head of International Sales